The Lost World of Fish
So I stumbled upon this really fascinating set of articles about fish recently, from very different angles. One is from an abandoned shopping mall in Bangkok (pictured here), which has turned effectively into...
So I stumbled upon this really fascinating set of articles about fish recently, from very different angles. One is from an abandoned shopping mall in Bangkok (pictured here), which has turned effectively into...
Anthropocene / environmental politics / news / political analysis / political ecology / religion / science
by chriscrews · Published 09/13/2013 · Last modified 09/14/2013
This week in our Universe: Leaving the Galaxy, Biblical Floods and the Edge of Space time. If I had my own tv show, this would be today’s episode. I don’t have a show,...
Anthropocene / environmental politics / political analysis / political ecology / religion / science / theory
by chriscrews · Published 04/06/2013
As I’ve written about before, I had the change to present some of my work on the Anthropocene at the 2013 Western Political Science Association (WPSA) conference in Hollywood recently. For someone writing...
Anthropocene / environmental politics / news / political analysis / political ecology / science
by chriscrews · Published 03/10/2013
As I noted recently, there’s some new data out from several sources showing long-term and historical temperature changes, none of which is encouraging, followed closely by the usual climate denial pr machine. I’ve...
Anthropocene / environmental politics / news / political analysis / political ecology / science
by chriscrews · Published 03/09/2013
This week saw two important notes in climate news and events. First, an AP Wire story on new climate data revealing an alarming but unsurprising trend–more CO2 in the atmosphere. The amount of...
Anthropocene / environmental politics / news / political ecology / science
by chriscrews · Published 03/09/2013
Latest news on the Anthropocene science front: global warming still happening, breaking records yet again. You can read the Dot Earth post by Andrew Revkin here, and the journal Science article here. The...
The Adventures of Mr. Chris is a collection of personal reflections, scholarly ruminations, travel adventures, and cultural analysis.