Fighting the POTUS with Magic?
I ran across this post recently after a friend shared it. It which caught my attention and interest for a few reasons. The basic gist of the piece is about people who doing various magickal rituals–bindings spells to be specific–in an effort to derail and contain the actions of the POTUS. It struck me as fascinating for the use of defensive political magick in this way. It also reminded me of similar rituals I had taken part in many years ago during the infamous “Battle for Seattle” in 1999.
Although I don’t believe we were doing binding rituals specifically then, it seemed to me to be in the same vein of using magick for political ends. I vaguely recall something along the same lines a few years ago here during the height of Occupy Wall Street–Wiccans for OWS or something similar–but never really kept up with what was going on.
Here’s a small snippet from the article.
I cast a spell on the president. I was not alone. Thousands of witches, believers and people like me all over the world performed “A Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him” under the waning crescent moon last month. It was not meant to physically hurt him, only to keep him from succeeding at his tasks. Now he’s complaining he’s the object of a “witch hunt.” Maybe the spell is working.
I heard about the incantation from the Oracle of Los Angeles. I’m on her email list and the subject line “Bind Trump, not your breasts” caught my eye. The binding-spell movement started with an article on Medium posted by Michael M. Hughes, a writer and magician. I don’t believe in the devil, but I do believe our country has gone to hell, and I am willing to try anything to save us.
But before I lighted my candles, I researched binding spells. I didn’t want to send bad vibes into the universe. There is enough evil in Washington already: Stephen K. Bannon, Stephen Miller, Jeff Sessions. The dark and terrifying have risen.
You can read the whole article, I put a spell on you, Mr. President at the LA Times.