A Deep Sadness and Overwhelming Rage
I’m Not Mad at You in Particular, Just Everyone in General
Stiletto I
It’s been one of those weeks,
in the middle of the month
when you just want to scream
and break something beautiful
like those drones in the halls
playing pretend scholars
on blood money and silenced ghosts

Williamsburg, BK. – Nazi SS glasses on a Draw Anything 2 poster at corner of Bedford Ave and N 12th.
Stiletto II
You don’t change things by asking nice
you do it with a sledgehammer and bodies
blood and oil, tears and sweat
men in suits will never be our friends
no matter what color the stripes on their tie
I was told once to tone it down, you’re too much
fuck you. please. and thank you.
Stiletto III
I refuse to be an accomplice to your lies
wrapped up in disgusting garbs of power
I hear her in my speakers now
“put this pencil to your head, kill this revolution dead”
but I never was very good
at sitting on the fence
I’m better at building them or jumping over them.
Stiletto IIII
How many times will I walk past that damn poster
that damn dirty grey steel door
that corner construction lot
that damn phone booth sticker tag
“I’m going to burn it down”
that’s what she says
snap and tear this fun house down
is it time for the countdown
cgc | 3 days till new moon
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Your comments are quite poetic Marcos, albeit rather esoteric. Either way, thanks for sharing them.